When hearing the phrase “settlement loan” you might think it as a traditional loan. This is not the true. Most financial institutions do not lend money based on the merit of a pending lawsuit case. This is because financial institutions cannot absorb the risk behind it since they are funded by consumer monetary; especially with banks. This is why most people turn to settlement loan providers when in need of financial aid during a pending lawsuit.
One of the best things about settlement loans is you do not have to repay the loan back if you lose your case. For example, if you were loaned $30,000 and your case ended in a loss and you still had $10,000 left the money would be yours to keep. This risk is taken by all settlement loan providers. This is why they do research into your pending lawsuit before loaning any money.
You won’t get a negative mark on your credit score if you lose your case. In fact, nothing based on credit history is involved with settlement loan application process. Regardless of your credit history you are still eligible for a settlement loan. However, in instances where a client has filed for bankruptcy there might be an issue, you should consult your attorney if this is the case.
There is nothing wrong with getting a settlement loan during your pending lawsuit. In fact, it is sometimes suggested by your attorney. Due to the hardship clients might face financially during a lawsuit sometimes people will settle for a less amount than the case is worth. With a settlement loan a client can take care of financial needs while the case goes the full course.
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